Industrial History Online

Upper Pool Wharves and Warehouses

Record Visibility is - Public

Record Status - Reviewed Site Record

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Site ID :- GTL00044
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Address :- Shad Thames, London, Greater London, SE1
Grid Reference :- TQ 33770 80066
Grid Co-ordinates :- Easting 533770 m, Northing 180066 m
Lat & Long (WGS84) :- 51.503705 , -0.074043
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Parish or Township :-
Administrative Area :- Southwark
Pre 1974 County :- Greater London Council
Site Status :- Listed - Grade II
Site Condition :- Site refurbished to residential housing
Historic England List No - 1385907, 1385897, 1385908, 1385885, 1385894, 1385893, 1385889, 1385896, 1385898, 1385888, 1385891, 1385895, 1385890, 1385892,
Site Era :-Early Modern 1850-1950 to Modern Post 1950
Site Dates :- -
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Contributor :- GLIAS Database - 2 June 2018
Contributors Society :- Greater London Industrial Archaeology Society
Copyright :- cc-by-nc-sa 4.0 © GLIAS Database

Record Status :- Reviewed
Reviewed By :- Andrew Turner - 29 April 2020

Description and History

Probably most dramatic riverside street in London. Bridges, on several levels, over this narrow lane connect riverside buildings with later more extensive landward warehouses. Main buildings are Butler's Wharf, architects Tolley & Dale, 1873-5, with offices, 1891-2 and warehouses in Curlew St, 1886, until recently the Design Museum. To East is pre-1850 granary behind refaced frontage. At St. Saviours Dock is the 1922 concrete warehouse of Butler's Wharf, being drastically redeveloped.

The riverside buildings were wharves, the buildings over the bridges were additional (often long term) warehouses. There was a spice grinders which must have got its stock via the river.

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