Industrial History Online

Former biscuit works

Record Visibility is - Public

Record Status - Incomplete/Unreviewed Site Record

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Site ID :- GTL00811
Key Words :- works
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Address :- Wolseley Street, London, Greater London, SE1
Grid Reference :- TQ 339 797
Grid Co-ordinates :- Easting 533900 m, Northing 179700 m
Lat & Long (WGS84) :- 51.500385 , -0.07231
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Administrative Area :- Southwark London Borough Council
Pre 1974 County :- Greater London Council
Site Status :- Site demolished or no longer extant
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Contributor :- GLIAS Database - 2 June 2018
Contributors Society :- Greater London Industrial Archaeology Society
Copyright :- cc-by-nc-sa 4.0 © GLIAS Database

Record Status :- Incomplete
Reviewed By :- -

Description and History

1858-c.1892 Peek Freans occupied this 6-storey building. R. Jacob & Co. Ltd occupied extension of c.1907 with doorways marked 'workers' and 'office'.

Further Reading and References

No references provided

Previous Comments:-

--- the following annotation is from Bob Rust, GLIAS :
GR TQ 3403 7972. (Wolseley Streeet, not the one in St Saviours Dock) Title should be 'Site of'. Whole area redeveloped. Remembered by adjacent Jacob Street. In 1956 the factory had a new illuminated sign. This stood 16' 6" high on the lorry and went from GEC Wembley to Rotherhithe without going under any bridge but Highgate Arch. - Robert Mason - 26 May 2022 - Robert Mason - 18 November 2023 - Robert Mason - 7 December 2023

Note:- these comments have NOT been REVIEWED

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