Industrial History Online


Record Visibility is - Public

Record Status - Ready for review

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Site ID :- GTL01079
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Address :- 82 St Marychurch Street, London, Greater London, SE16 4HZ
Grid Reference :- TQ 35208 79869
Grid Co-ordinates :- Easting 535208 m, Northing 179869 m
Lat & Long (WGS84) :- 51.501593 , -0.053413
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Site Location :-
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Parish or Township :-
Administrative Area :- Southwark
Pre 1974 County :- Greater London Council
Site Status :- Listed - Grade II
Site Condition :-
Historic England List No - 1385844,
Site Era :-

Site Dates :- -
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Contributor :- GLIAS Database - 2 June 2018
Contributors Society :- Greater London Industrial Archaeology Society
Copyright :- cc-by-nc-sa 4.0 © GLIAS Database

Record Status :- Complete
Reviewed By :- -

Description and History

Fine island warehouse, Grice's Granary c.1790, of interior timber construction, now picture library.

Further Reading and References

Previous Comments:-

82 St Marychurch Street, SE16 4HZ

Grade: II List Entry Number: 1385844
National Grid Reference: TQ 35208 79869

Plaque outside reads: 'The Rotherhithe Picture Research Library & Sands Films Studios, in Grice's Granary since 1976, a working building since the 1780's.' - Robert Mason - 23 December 2021 - Robert Mason - 22 May 2022

Note:- these comments have NOT been REVIEWED

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