Industrial History Online

Hope Sufferance Wharf

Record Visibility is - Public

Record Status - Reviewed Site Record

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Site ID :- GTL03734
Key Words :- warehouses
Linked Sites :-

Address :- St Marychurch Street, Rotherhithe, London, Greater London
Grid Reference :- TQ 35126 79832
Grid Co-ordinates :- Easting 535126 m, Northing 179832 m
Lat & Long (WGS84) :- 51.50128 , -0.054608
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Site Location :- St Marychurch Street
Viewing Site :- on street
Parish or Township :-
Administrative Area :- Southwark London Borough Council
Pre 1974 County :- London
Site Status :- Listed - Grade II
Site Condition :- Site refurbished to residential housing
Historic England List No - 1385869,
Site Era :-Industrial Revolution 1750-1850
Site Dates :- -
Visit By :- Robert Mason - 9 January 2022

Contributor :- Robert Mason - 10 January 2022
Contributors Society :- Greater London Industrial Archaeology Society
Copyright :- cc-by-nc-sa 4.0 © Robert Mason

Record Status :- Reviewed
Reviewed By :- Andrew Turner - 4 May 2022

Description and History

Early 19th-century former grain warehouses and workshop. A sufferance wharf was a licensed private wharf where goods could be stored until the duty on them was paid.

Comprises three buildings: one with a Thames frontage, and two others facing onto the street. Converted to apartments in 1997.

Further Reading and References

Smith, Tim R. 'A gazetteer of hydraulic power in London'. London's Industrial Archaeology No 19 [2021]

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